Monday, May 6, 2024



The fractured Christian Church has a lot to do with the massive growth of this cancerous deception in society.  The growth of this confusion and aberrant religious mish-mosh is disturbing.

In the last days, the "apostacy" must come first as it states in 2 Thessalonians, and the appearance of that man of lawlessness folks. 

We're ripe for all of it.

God willing, I'm going to try and post my interaction and an example of the growing hatred of the Church of Christ, and the influences from where it continues brewing. 

These are enemies of The Cross of Christ and they come IN MANY persuasions in the spirit of antichrist.   Imagine if you will those who claim to love Christ, Yeshua but deny His true identity and His true Church, and not, that supposed, "religion of peace" but other religionists who claim to follow God's Torah and law!!!    

The two signs of Christ's return (and now is):  

1- The apostasy in the last days

2- The appearance of antichrist


Here's a debate between A false Hebrew Israelite religionist and Dr. Michael Brown who has a PhD in Near Eastern Hebrew language and is a Messianic Christian Jew.

This is PART 2 to this review of these false believers of our Lord. They do not KNOW Him, and we pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, they'll have their hearts of slander changed to KNOW the true Christ!  

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